treehouse_ed Sep 15, 2010 18:58
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edward is a romantic, josh groban = *____*, ed is fabulous, baked goods solve every problem, sweet dreams are made of this, sweets make everything better, adorkable, sparkle sparkle sparkle, oooh pretty colors, ed cooks, eat your feelings, everyone loves free stuff, you raise me up, heart eyes
treehouse_ed Aug 04, 2010 23:03
gingers do it best, made of glitter, brilliant ideas, hot men, sparkle sparkle sparkle, ed is a chick, fierce, glass case of emotion, everything is made of rainbows, ed is fabulous, do i dazzle you, sweet dreams are made of this, girls just wanna have fun, totally suave, ed is a fairy, homophobia shall not pass, don't stop believin, adorkable
treehouse_ed Jul 20, 2010 10:37
edward is a romantic, this can only end well, made of glitter, i'm so white i make casper look tan, sparkle sparkle sparkle, my life is wuthering heights, vampires do actually sparkle k thanks, do i dazzle you, edward wishes he could write like keats, totally suave, melodramatic like healthcliffe, sparkling is sexy, can't brain today i have the dumb, feel your feelings, what is this i don't even, obscene literary pretension